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Reasons Not to Have an Abortion

Considering an abortion? What is the first thing you should do?

Abortion Methods:  the most common abortion procedures

Resources to get help

Testimonies from post-abortive women

Testimonies from former abortion workers

What to do if you are being harassed or coerced into aborting...

Medical Q&A 

When Life Begins:  The Consensus of the Scientific Community

When Does Pregnancy Begin:  At Conception or Implantation?

Does the unborn child meet hospital/emergency room criteria for 'life'?

How Does a Preborn Child Differ From a Mere Clump of Tissue?

“Fetus”:  What is the original meaning of the word?

Does the unborn child exhibit self-motivated activity, self-awareness/consciousness, and the ability to communicate - is it a sentient being?

Is the Preborn Child a Part of the Mother's Body?

Should a Preborn Child be Considered a Human Being or Just Human?

Is abortion an act of violence? Here are testimonies from abortionists...

What if the Mother's Life is in Danger (ectopic pregnancy)?

Why do pro-choice advocates appeal to the rare case when the mother's life is in danger?

Real Cases Where the Mother's Life was in Danger

Why do physicians recommend abortions when the mother needs chemo or is inadvertently given a medication which is harmful to the unborn baby?

What are some medical complications after having an abortion?

What about the risk of breast cancer for post-abortion women?

What is Post Abortion Syndrome?

Is deciding to have an abortion a 'normal' healthcare decision?

Legal Q&A

Laws Protecting the Preborn vs Abortion:  A Legal Contradiction?

Laws Protecting Newborns vs Abortion:  Another Contradiction?

Why Should an Unwilling Woman be Forced to Carry a Child?

Who has Greater Rights:  The Preborn Child or the Mother?

Does current law allow abortions up to the point of birth and for any reason?

Did Making Abortion Legal Also Make it Safer for Women?

Is it true that prior to Roe vs. Wade in 1973, there were 5000 - 10,000 deaths per year from illegal abortions?

Where did the false statistic of 5000 - 10,000 annual deaths originate?

Will outlawing abortion force women to use coat hangers?

The 'facts' in Roe v. Wade were based on fabrications and lies:

More Legal Q&A

The 'facts' in Doe v. Bolton were also based on lies: 

Has the U.S. Supreme Court been wrong before?

Other High Court Decisions and their tragic similarities

Roe v. Wade: a poorly written law says pro-choice commentators

Did Roe v. Wade Violate Standard Legal Reasoning?

Should the display of graphic abortion photos be outlawed?

Religious Q&A

Is Abortion Mentioned in the Bible?

Are Christians Obligated to Speak Out Against Abortion?

Exodus 21:  What Does it Say About Abortion?

Does Abortion Uphold or Violate the Golden Rule?

More Religious Q&A

Does the Bible sanction abortion under special circumstances?

Does the Bible explain what happens to a child who dies prior to birth or shortly after

Genesis 2:7:  What Does it Say About Abortion?

Does Leviticus 27 assign a lesser value to young children and no value to infants less than 1 month old?

Does Numbers 3 assign no value to infants less than 1 month old?

Does Numbers 31 approve of killing children?

Even More Religious Q&A

Now that I have had an abortion, I feel miserable. What should I do?

Do abortionists have a conscience?

Judith Jarvis Thomson and her article, "A Defense of Abortion"

And Even More Religious Q&A

Christianity vs. Secular Humanism & Atheism: Understanding how our different beliefs affect our stand on abortion:

Planned Parenthood Q&A

Should Abortion Clinics Be Considered Businesses?

Is it Fair to Accuse Abortion Clinics of Greed?

Just because the abortion industry is big business doesn't mean all abortion workers are in it for the money.

Planned Parenthood Says They Are Reducing Abortions:  Is This True?

Adoptions decrease profits for abortions: Is this a conflict of interest?

What About Other Services Provided by Planned Parenthood?

What other ways do businesses profit from abortions? 

Is Planned Parenthood really a non-profit organization or not?

Is the Career of an Abortionist About Honor, Courage, and Pride?

How Does the Abortion Rate in the US Compare to Other Countries?

Are Most Abortions Chosen Due to Deformed Babies or Rape?

Why Did the Legalization of Abortion Lead to More Abortions?

More Planned Parenthood Q&A

What Happens When Babies Come out Alive During an Abortion?

How often do babies survive an abortion attempt?

What does Planned Parenthood want to do with babaies who survive?

What Are the Personal Views of US Presidents and Other Leaders?

What About the Charge of Racism and Planned Parenthood?

Is Planned Parenthood involved in pornography?

Philosophical Views of Planned Parenthood: In Their Own Words  

Basic Q&A

Is an unborn child a person?

Does an unborn child have a soul, and if so, when?

Is a preborn child 'less' than a human being?

Why should a pre-born child be given equal rights as an adult?

Should it matter whether the child is inside or outside the womb?

Does a child who is unable to survive outside the womb have the right to live?

What about endangered animals - why are their unborn protected?

What if the mother would suffer emotionally, physically, financially, etc. by carrying the baby to term?

Isn't abortion justified in cases of heinous crimes like rape?

Honor-killing of a raped woman vs. abortion of child in rape cases.

Does Abortion Help a Rape Victim Recover?

Real Cases of Pregnancy Due to Rape:

How can we deny an abortion to a teenage victim of incest?

Why Adoption Should Be Considered Instead of Abortion

Why Should We Bring an Unwanted Child into the World?

Although I am against abortion myself, I would never take that right away or impose my views on others

More Basic Q&A

Do 'Unwanted' Children Result in More Cases of Child Abuse?

Why Are Post-Abortive Women More Likely to Abuse Their Children?

If you don't like abortion, then don't get one!
Common Reasons for Abortions: If the reasons aren't justified after birth, why are they justified before birth?
Why Bring a Child into an Overpopulated World?

Why should we bring an unwanted child into a starving world?

Why Bring a Child into a Miserable and Violent World?

Can We Afford to Pay for Children Born With Deformities?

If pro-life advocates are not willing to adopt every unwanted child, what right do they have to speak out against abortion?

Isn't it Judgmental to Call Abortion Murder?

Should We Try to Legislate Morality?

Although I believe abortion is wrong, I don't want to impose my beliefs on others.

What are the similarities between abortion and the slave trade?

Isn't Abortion a Private Matter?

Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life: Is One View Better or Just Different?

Shouldn't We Abort a Malformed Child Who is Not Expected to Live?

Shouldn't we abort children of drug-addicted mothers?

Abortion and Intolerance for the Unborn Down's Syndrome Child?

Won't abortion help women forget about the pregnancy they didn't want in the first place?

Even More Basic Q&A

Shouldn't Women Have the Right to Control Their Own Bodies?

Isn't abstinence an unreasonable expectation?

Would you take away a woman's right to choose abortion?

Having a choice in abortion promotes personal freedoms in society

Is 'Choice' a Personal Choice or a Criminal One?

Should Men Have the Right to be Pro-Life?

Doesn't legalization of abortion promote freedom of the individual?

What about post-abortive women who claim they're "not sorry"?

Are Abortion Rights the Same as Womens' Rights?

Were America’s pioneer feminists pro-choice or pro-life?

Will the large number of unplanned pregnancies result in the high 'social and economic cost'?

Isn't Abortion the Best Option for Pregnant Teens?

How frequently does coerced abortion occur in the U.S.?

Are you being coerced into having an abortion?

Testimonials from women who were coerced into having an abortion:
Can abortion clinics be trusted to give women full disclosure of information?

Is taking the life of an unborn child as tragic and immoral as taking the life of an adult?

Are abortions justified for unintentional pregnancies?

Did legalizing abortion ensure safer and cleaner clinics?

Why are pro-choice advocates AGAINST making abortion safer for women?

And Even More Basic Q&A

What are the most common reasons for having an abortion?
Why should the term "genocide" apply to abortion?

Is it Fair to Draw Similarities Between Abortion and the Holocaust?

Are Graphic Abortion Photos Only for Shock Value?

Won't Graphic Abortion Photos Cause More trauma to Women?

Won't graphic abortion photos cause emotional trauma to children?

How do graphic abortion photos differ from photos of surgery?

Won't graphic photos demean those aborted babies even further?

Doesn't graphic photos make pro-life groups look extremist?

Do graphic abortion photos "decontextualize" abortion?

Do graphic abortion photos cause women to get more abortions?

Isn't it preferable to show photos of live fetuses instead of bloody aborted ones?

Aren't the graphic photos of aborted children fake?

The Future of Medical Ethics: Infanticide

Abortion Providers and Crime 

Sex Trafficking of Underage Girls: Are Abortion Clinics Connected?

What about people who shoot abortionists and bomb abortion clinics?

What about abortion workers involved in crimes against women?

Safe and legal/lethal abortion deaths:  A partial list of deadly cases:

Why do pro-choice advocates protect abortionists accused of crimes?

Margaret Sanger (Abortion Pioneer)

What was the philosophy of Margaret Sanger, the founder of abortion provider Planned Parenthood?

Famous quotes from Margaret Sanger's letters, publications, and interviews:

Regarding racism, what do others say about Margaret Sanger?

Does racism exist in the abortion industry today?

Leaving the Abortion Industry?

Considering Leaving the Abortion Business?  It's Time to Make Your Choice...Reasons to leave.

Testimonies of those who left...

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