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Are you an abortion worker thinking about leaving the business? It's time to make your choice...

Whether you work at an abortion clinic as a receptionist, counselor, nurse, assistant, or physician, here are the main considerations which you must weigh in making your "choice" regarding your employment in the abortion business:


1) Abortion ends the life of a small human being. This is a scientific fact, regardless of the philosophical arguments and civil laws giving "approval" to your work at the clinic. From the earliest time a woman qualifies to have an abortion (approximately 8 weeks), the baby has started thumb sucking (7 weeks), has a recognizable face (6 weeks), and a body with arms, legs, a head, and all necessary internal organs including a beating heart and brainwaves.


The mother is not carrying a blob of tissue but a real, live human being, with many of her physical and personal characteristics. Her body is specifically designed to carry a baby, and where the baby is - inside her womb - is where it belongs. Although the abortion industry wants you to believe the baby shouldn't be there and needs to be "removed", the baby is actually in the right place!


"There was not one [doctor] who at some point in the questioning did not say "This is murder."
- Magda Denes, psychologist, “In Necessity and Sorrow; Life and Death Inside an Abortion Clinic”)

“...the emotional turmoil that the procedure inevitably wreaks on the physicians and staff.  We have reached a point in this particular technology where there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the operator. It is before one’s eyes. The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like electric current.”  (Warren Hern, M.D. , “Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress: The Psychological Consequences of Killing”, Rachel M. MacNair, Westport, CT: 2002)

2) You already have the taking of a human life on your conscience. But it's never too late to stop. Your God-given conscience has been speaking to you about the lives taken at your workplace. You tried to justify your work there but still have reservations about it. Maybe you sensed your soul getting darker as time went on. Maybe you tried to ignore it but can't. So don't ignore it now. Let your conscience guide you into making the one and only choice you must make so you can move on with your life. Take a moment to imagine walking away from the clinic, leaving the darkness behind forever, and never looking back. You can start your life anew!


"I have angry feelings at myself for feeling good about grasping the calvaria, for feeling good about doing a technically good procedure that destroys a fetus, kills a baby." (New Mexico abortionist cited from the article "Abortion Providers Share Inner Conflicts", AAA News, 7/12/93)


“When I can identify the four chambers of the heart (by ultrasound), I start feeling miserable. And when I put my hands on somebody to feel how big they are and I get kicked, I’m barely able to talk at that minute.” ("Abortion Providers Share Inner Conflicts", AMA News, 7/12/93)


“Generally there is one clinic worker in charge of the (aborted) babies...I was that clinic worker. I had to look at the babies. I had to store them; I had to send them to pathology. And I was the person who had to dispose of order to maintain my sanity, I established a personal mourning ritual.  I said Shiva for the babies.  I said prayers for the dead.  I also named the babies as I put them in a waste container."  (Former abortion clinic director Joy Davis, Interview with Mark Crutcher)

3) One reason abortion workers stay on the job is because they feel that leaving is an admission of guilt.  However, any such reason to stay is false reasoning.

In any other part of our lives, if we are wrong, do we continue in that wrong or do we make a change?   Of course we make a change!  This is the only sensible solution to a wrong.  And all of us are wrong at one time or another.  We all make mistakes.  What would our lives look like if we never made any necessary changes and improvements?


You already know the killing of helpless human beings is wrong.  So listen to your conscience, heed its voice, and make a change.  Yes, it takes inner strength make changes.  But you can do it.  Put aside any thoughts of not wanting to admit wrong because we all need to admit our mistakes sometimes.  And just walk away and move on with your life in a more positive direction. 

"It was just a slaughterhouse and I couldn't take it anymore."  (Ref:  M. Wooten, former abortion worker, “Doctor Accused in Abortion Suit Testifies: Admits He Injured Inglewood Clinic Patient But Says 'Unforeseen Complications' Caused Death”, Marc Lacey, Times Staff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 7/30/89)


4) The abortion industry gave you false incentives to work for them. You were told working at an abortion clinic was all about women’s civil rights, making lives better, etc... But now you know it wasn't about helping women at all, but about exploiting their situation, exploiting their vulnerability, and making money. Expecting to get the truth about abortions from the abortion industry is like expecting to get the truth about cigarette smoking...from the tobacco industry. Because abortions make lots of money for the abortion industry, it makes no sense to expect objective and truthful answers from those who profit handsomely from the issue at hand. So learn from others who have gone before you and have already left their jobs at abortion clinics. Read on...


"Clinic workers may say they support a woman's right to choose, but they will also say that they do not want to see tiny hands and tiny feet....there is a great difference between the intellectual support of a woman's right to choose and the actual participation in the carnage of abortion. Because seeing body parts bother the workers."  (Judith Fetrow, former clinic worker quoted in "Meet the Abortion Providers III", recorded conference, Chicago 4/3/93)


"From May to November 1988, I worked for an abortionist. He specializes in third trimester killings. I witnessed evidence of the brutal, cold blooded murder of over 600 viable, healthy babies at seven, eight and nine months gestation. A very, very few of these babies, less than 2%, were handicapped...I thought I was pro-choice and I was glad to be working in an abortion clinic. I thought I was helping provide a noble service to women in crisis....I was instructed to falsify the age of the babies in medical records. I was required to lie to the mothers over the phone, as they scheduled their appointments, and to tell them that they were not 'too far along' Then I had to note, in the records that Dr. Tiller's needle had successfully pierced the walls of the baby's heart, injecting the poison what brought death... Mine was the agony of a participant, however reluctant, in the act of prenatal infanticide."  (Luhra Tivis quoted in "Where is the Real Violence?", Celebrate Life, Sept/Oct 1994)


5) Don't let anyone pressure you into staying at your job. You have rights too! Don't let others violate your boundaries and tell you how to make this most important decision in YOUR life! YOU are the one who must carry the burden of working at the abortion clinic. So don't give in! Maintain your boundaries, listen to your conscience, and remain resolute in leaving that place. What you do with the rest of YOUR life is much more important than someone else's meager opinion.


6) Pro-choice activists (the “talkers”) keep their own hands clean while leaving workers (the “doers”) with blood on their hands.

None of us want to be used, or made a “tool”, for the sake of another’s political ideology.  This is how many abortion workers feel.  Maybe you do too.  This doesn’t need to continue.  You can just walk away.  Today.


“There’s still the shame thing, even among people who are pro-choice…  We are still seen as dirty, even among our own people.”  (Diane Derzis, abortion clinic administrator, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 5/16/93)


“We who are pro-abortion-rights leave the doctors in the front lines, with blood on their hands…  This is blood that the doctors and clinic workers often see clearly…  and we who are pro-choice compound their isolation by declaring that that blood is not there.”  (Naomi Wolf, “Our Bodies, Our Souls, The New Republic, 10/16/95)


“Pro-choice organizations often ignore, patronize and disparage the contributions of physicians who specialize in abortions, in contrast with their support for well-known physicians in conventional specialties.”  (Abortionist Warren Hern, New York Times, 3/13/93)


“We found the hostility between the abortion industry’s “talkers” and “doers” to be similar to that which often exists during wartime.  To the frontline soldier, who lives in constant terror while killing other mother’s sons whom he doesn’t know or hate, the war is not some abstract political philosophy – it’s real and horrible.  And while he might crawl through hell on his knees for his buddies in the trench, he is profoundly resentful of the bloated politician who talks about how noble the war is over a $50 lunch in Washington D.C.”  (Mark Crutcher, “Lime 5: Exploited by Choice”, 1996) 


7) You have the strength and courage to leave. The fact you are thinking about leaving speaks volumes: you have the fortitude to leave your job and regain your self-respect. Even if you feel you cannot afford to leave, you know you cannot afford to stay. Not even one more day. Your soul gets darker with each passing workday. There is no hardship - financial, social or otherwise - which you cannot get through, if you leave. You can and will overcome your feelings of being trapped by your job. Many former abortion clinic workers have left the business and are doing much, much better. They don’t have to face each day with dread anymore.  They can wake up every morning and look at themselves in the mirror again.  So can you.


"It's hard to be in a profession where you have a hard time answering the questions that other people ask you about what you do."  ("Abortion Providers Share Inner Conflicts", AMA News, 7/12/93)


8) You can readily find another healthcare job that doesn't require you to violate your conscience. There are many clinics, healthcare centers, nursing homes, home health organizations, and hospitals that provide genuine help to their patients - that is, help which saves lives rather than destroys lives. Your skills are currently being misused and perverted to destroy life; now choose to use those skills for what they were originally meant for - to help and heal others. An authentic healthcare job gives a worker true job satisfaction rather than dread and remorse. "Healthcare" means exactly that - to provide care for the health of others. By getting a real healthcare job, you will have the satisfaction of knowing your earnings come from an honest days' work and not from "blood money".


"It's a nasty, dirty, yucky thing and I always come home angry."  (Abortionist David Zbaraz quoted in the Washington Post, 3/3/80)


“I observed during my medical training as an Australian physician many abortions by experienced practitioners.  They experienced, without exception, physical revulsion and moral bewilderment.”  (New York Times, 10/19/94)


9) Listen to the advice of abortion workers who left the business. Many former abortion workers have given their own testimonies. We must learn from their first-hand experiences: was created to reach out to people hurt by abortion, to break the silence, to offer hope, and to make resources such as abortion after-care programs available. Go to "Stories" at the top menu, click on "Testimonials", and then click the box "Former Abortion Providers".


For a list of testimonies at Life Zone: has a huge compilation of quotes from abortion workers and former workers. Here is a direct link to quotes from abortionists:


Here are a few testimonies:

Former abortion clinic director Abby Johnson:  "It seemed like maybe that's not what a lot of people were believing anymore because that's not where the money was. The money wasn't in family planning, the money wasn't in prevention, the money was in abortion...I feel so pure in heart (since leaving). I don't have this guilt; I don't have this burden on me anymore that's how I know this conversion was a spiritual conversion." (See more at:


Former abortion worker "Tina" from Wisconsin:  "...we desperately needed the money. I wanted to escape poverty and go to school. On a good day I cleaned (abortion clinic) offices, on a bad I cleaned equipment, procedure rooms and tried to not look at the biohazard bags (containing fetuses). I had to make myself as hard as a rock to be able to not break apart. I could not handle what I was left with at night; I developed anorexia and started to drink...I am sorry for profiting from this."


Ex-abortionist Dr. Beverly McMillan:   "By 1976, things looked like they were going pretty well for me. My private office was busy enough that I was operating in the black and the abortion clinic was so busy that I couldn't do all the procedures myself; I had to get some other folks to help me out and do the operations. I had a nice car, a nice house; I had three healthy little boys, and all the clothes I could want. In fact, I realized that everything that I ever wanted to accomplish when I left eastern Tennessee I had pretty much accomplished.


The confounding part to me at that point was that if my life was going so well, if it were such a bowl of cherries, why was I in the pits, as Erma Bombeck says. I was so depressed that by January, I couldn't stand it. I didn't know what was wrong, thoughts of suicide were beginning to cross my mind and that had never happened before.


So being an intellectual type, I decided I just needed something to get my head straightened out. I went out to a secular book store and stumbled across the book entitled The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. I thought, this sounds like a good book. I've got a lot of things to be positive about; I just need to get my attitude right.


So I bought the book and I took it home and started reading it. I read the introduction and the preface and the table of contents, and it sounded pretty good. I read chapter one, and it was about people just like me; they didn't want to get up in the morning; they didn't know what the meaning of life was; they were depressed all the time. I thought, yes, this is the right book. At the end of the chapter Dr. Peale had a list of ten things to do to start getting your positive attitude in shape. I was going down the list and reached #7, and it said: Affirm ten times a day; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Well, I choked. I thought, what kind of trash did I pick up in this bookstore?


Well I was able to do everything on that list of ten, except that #7. I carried that book around with me for a week and a-half trying to find something to substitute for that verse, just something that would be acceptable to my heart.


One miserable Monday morning I was driving to work (and for those of you who don't know about Mississippi in February, it's the monsoon season and it's always cold, gray, and rainy) and wouldn't you know it, that Norman Vincent Peale book was sitting on the car seat right beside me. There I was, I was pulling into the doctors' parking lot at Baptist Hospital and I finally just gave up and said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


I was unprepared for what happened next. I'm kind of a cool person, and don't have a lot of emotional ups and downs. God usually doesn't deal with me through emotional blitzes, but this was a big emotional blitz. I was not alone in that car. I felt the presence of someone coming up over the back seat of my car and grasping my right shoulder, the hand of heaven. He was just right there in the car with me and, oh, my goodness! Well, I got the car parked (that was a major accomplishment), and put my makeup back on because I was crying out of joy. I must have said that verse a hundred times that day, not just ten times.


I finished reading the book. And at the end of it, Dr Peale had two other suggestions: He suggested reading the Bible every day and to engage in some Christian fellowship. So I went out and bought a Bible and started reading the New Testament. As for the Christian fellowship, I thought back over my friends and acquaintances and realized there was only one person that I knew was a Christian. So I decided to spend more time with my friend, Barbara.


Well, I began noticing that something strange was happening during my nights on call at the abortion facility. What had been very easy for me to do up till this time started to become harder and harder to do. I didn't understand why because nothing that I was reading in the New Testament said Thou Shalt Not Commit Abortions. But it was the Holy Spirit starting to work on me.


I've heard other people talk about their experiences in coming out of the abortion situations and my situation seems to be very similar. It doesn't happen all at once. There's a miracle recorded in the Gospel of Mark where Jesus heals a blind man. When the man is brought to the Lord, he's absolutely stone blind; doesn't see a thing. I think that was me before the experience in the car. After Jesus met the man, He took some spit, touched his eyes, and asked him what he saw. And he said I see men walking around but they look like trees. He was seeing something but he wasn't seeing very clearly. It took a second touch from the Lord before that man was able to see well.


One of the things that were starting to bother me was, after I would do the suction D&C procedure, I would then go over to the suction bottle and go outside the room to a sink where I would personally pick through it with a forceps. I would have to identify the four extremities, the spine, the skull and the placenta. If I didn't find that, I would have to go back and scrape and suction some more, or else my patients would be showing up in 48 or 72 hours, just like those women at Cook County with an infected incomplete abortion. Standing at that sink, I guess I just started seeing these bodies for the first time. I don't know what I did before that. I think I just counted. Blood didn't make me sick. I could handle all the guts and gore of medicine. But I started seeing this for the first time and it started bothering me." (See more at:


Former abortion assistant Kathy Sparks:

"I want to share with you the type of person that I was. I did drugs, I drank; I was in a very, very bad way. When the babies would be put in the jars, we would hold them up and kind of twirl them around and look at the little arm and little leg float up. As sick as that sounds, that's the way it was, and that's the way it is at a lot of places right now.


Then, of course, I worked the procedure room where I assisted the doctors. So I was going on day-in and day-out and things were getting very bad in my life. The Lord was allowing a lot of things to happen. All of the sin that I had been participating in was killing me inside. And I was going into the abortion clinic every day, not knowing what it was doing to my soul. One evening, when things hit a low, I actually had a nervous breakdown. I turned to my mother-in-law, who I considered to be a "Jesus Freak," in desperation. We sat on the porch and she told me all about Jesus Christ. That night, it was July 28, we prayed together and I committed my life to Jesus Christ.


Three months later, I was still going to the abortion clinic. One particular day when I went into the clinic it was freezing cold. I could not get warm. I was chilled all the way down to my bones. It was incredible because no one else seemed to notice [the cold]. One of the first abortions done that day was on a woman who was 23 weeks pregnant. This woman should have had a saline or a laminaria abortion, or even a hysterectomy. Anything would have been better than to try to do a D&C on a woman that far along.


She lay on the table. She was a regular-built person and she had a belly. And I thought, no way! That couldn't be the baby! I was trembling and getting a little bit nervous. But he [the abortionist] began the procedure. He started to dilate her with the dilating rods and the water broke. A procedure that would normally take five to eight minutes took one hour. This woman was in so much pain she was coming off the table. Every medical assistant and nurse was in that room. The woman was screaming; the nurse was yelling at her because everybody else was getting quite upset in the waiting area, as you can imagine. The baby's bones were far too developed to rip them up with his curette, so he had to pull the baby out with forceps. He brought out three or four major pieces.


There this little boy was, lying on the table. I took the baby to the cleanup room, I set him down and I began weeping, uncontrollably, for what I had been a part of. God showed me that was a baby, they were all babies. I had been a part of murdering nearly 1,000 babies. I cried and cried. This little face was perfectly formed; his little eyes were closed, everything was perfect about this baby.


The recovery nurse wanted to see what was taking me so long. She walked in [the cleanup room], looked at me, shut the door and went to get the director of the abortion clinic. This woman walked in, shut the door behind her and grabbed me. She began to rebuke me; pull yourself together, you are a professional. She took the baby boy and flushed him down the toilet. I told her I couldn't work procedure any more, that I'd stay in cleanup.


That night I went home and told [my husband] about the entire experience. I didn't know what to do; we had thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. He said, let's just pray about it. That night I lit two candles at the side of my bed and sat down and prayed a very childlike prayer: Lord, if you want me out, just speak to me, and if I know it's going to be okay, I'll leave Lord. I will leave. Just tell me.


The next morning at the abortion clinic, I was working the cleanup room and the director walked in. She was troubled and said; Kathy I had a dream last night and it was so real, I don't know if I dreamed it or if you told me this. I dreamed that you walked in and told me you had to quit this place because of your religion! I had not told a single person that I had made a commitment to the Lord. So I told her; you did have a dream, I did not tell you that, but I am going to quit. I do have to leave and it is because of my religion.


I quit the abortion clinic and it was incredible. I went through a series of changes, as we all do when we come to know the Lord in a personal way. First, I really had to receive what Jesus Christ had done for me when He died on Calvary; that He died so that every sin I had committed could be cleansed and forgiven. It took me six months before I could really accept His forgiveness and I repented before Him for every abortion. I received the fact that I was a new creature. That old person was dead." (See more at:


10) Over 2000 years ago, Jesus addressed your situation and said:  "For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?" (Mark 8:36)


We all know what this means...and we know He's right. It serves no purpose whatsoever if we gain financially and materially, if in the process, we lose our soul. This is what happens when we kill another human being - we lose our soul. Abortion sucks the life out of everyone involved. This is what the abortion industry does to women, babies, and workers such as you. Don't lose your soul to the life-taking abortion business. Don't hesitate and put it off any longer. Leave today. Your courage may not be here tomorrow. Walk away while you still have the courage to do it. You will never regret your choice.


“We were just involved in a bloody, dehumanizing business, all of us for our own reasons. Whether we were justifying our past advocacy (as I was), justifying a previous abortion (as many were) or whatever, we were just trying to cope--and if we couldn't laugh at what was going on, I think our minds would have snapped. It's not as easy trying to confuse a conscience that will not stay dead.”  (Norma McCorvey, “Won By Love”, 1998)


"Remember, there is a human being at the other end of the table taking that kid apart. We've had a couple of guys drinking too much, taking drugs, even a suicide or two."  (Dr. Julius Butler, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, University of Minnesota Medical School)


11) Still not convinced you should leave today? Here are more places to find help: Abby Johnson is a former Planned Parenthood director and founder of "And Then There Were None" (ATTWN), an organization which helps abortion workers get out of the industry. Her message is simple: "It’s okay to quit your job in the abortion industry, we are here for you. Healing and transformation is possible. No matter what series of decisions got you into the abortion industry, there is something so much better for you outside of it. I hope that my message will reach hearts open to change and a better life." offers a wide variety of information on abortion. On the front page at the top menu, go to "Finding Help". Click on the link "If You Perform Abortions" or use the direct link here:


Society of Centurions of America:  Former abortion workers (physicians, nurses, paramedical personnel, technicians, receptionists, and security personnel) who have abandoned their pro-choice work and now embrace the sanctity of life.  This organization consists of an international  society and most recently, a United States branch.  Although some speak publicly of their journey into the abortion industry and how, by God’s grace they were rescued from it, the main focus is personal healing.  Their brochure reads:  "The Centurion who stood at the foot of the cross of Christ suddenly became horrified at the crucifixion he was ordered to carry out. When Christ died, this Centurion dropped his sword and fell to his knees exclaiming, ‘Surely, this was an innocent man!’  Those of us who have participated in the killing of unborn children are the Centurions of today. We have dropped our swords against the unborn child. Now we must recognize the depth of our guilt and deal with the ramifications…To revitalize our humanity we need to forgive and be forgiven, to reconcile and be healed."


12) Have you witnessed or suspected any illegal or unethical activities at your abortion clinic?

Examples of such illegal activities include:


- Babies born alive and left to die.

- Medicaid and insurance fraud, falsifying records, etc.

- Coercion of a pregnant woman into having an abortion against her will.

- Under-age pregnant women who could be victims of abuse or sex-trafficking.

- Delayed transfer to E.R. of patients in need of emergency care due to medical complications arising from an abortion procedure. offers help to abortion workers who may have witnessed such activities and want to protect themselves from possible future prosecution.


Life Dynamics, owner of says the following about their site:

“We know that these employees do not start out planning to participate in insurance fraud,

Medicaid fraud, or tax-evasion. Often they don’t even realize that what their employer told

them to do is illegal.  This is why the site exists, to help these women, most of them are women, to protect themselves.”  (Dzintra Tuttle, Life Dynamics)



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